You may not have even been drinking or acting recklessly when you were pulled over, but if you were exceeding 30 mph over the limit or over 80 mph in total, you could face serious repercussions in Oahu. Hawaii has strict excessive speeding laws, and even first-time offenders face harsh penalties.
By law, a first-time offender faces fines of up to $1,000, may have their license suspended for 30 days and will have to go through mandatory driver’s education. On top of that, they’ll have to spend up to five days in prison or perform 36 hours of community service. Seem extreme? That’s just what happens to those speeding excessively the first time. If you’ve had previous stops or have other charges in combination with the ticket, your penalties could be worse.
What happens if you previously had a conviction for excessive speeding?
If you had a conviction for excessive speeding in the past, you face a minimum fine of $750 and a 30-day license suspension. You’ll also face 14 days in prison or 120 hours of community service.
Three or more violations is even more severe with violations resulting in a minimum of $1,000 in fines, a license revocation for up to an entire year and up to 30 days in prison with no community service suggested.
Keep in mind that most residential areas in Hawaii are only marked for speeds of 25 to 30 mph. Arterial roads may only be marked for up to 45 mph, and interstates are marked for 55 mph. While most people believe that it’s safe to travel 5 to 10 mph over the speed limit, Hawaii’s laws are harsh and require people to proceed only at the posted, absolute speed limit.
What should you do if you’re stopped for excessive speeding?
If you are caught moving over the speed limit, it’s important to reach out to your attorney for help. It’s necessary to verify that the officer obtained your speed through legitimate means and that the speed observed was, in fact, 30 mph over the limit or that you were traveling more than 80 mph. If it’s discovered that the officer does not have the right evidence or that there are discrepancies between your speedometer and the officer’s reading, there may be ways to defend you against this violation. Of course, there are other ways to defend yourself, which your attorney will talk to you about.